El Buen Samaritano 7000 Woodhue, Austin, TX, 78745
(Needs volunteers teaching ESL, being teaching assistants for ESL courses, working in the food pantry, or general office work) You will need to complete the volunteer registration form at their Web site: Download the form and print it out and return it after signing it via fax, mail or deliver in person. Cynthia High is the person to contact.
Austin Partners in Education 701 Brazos, Ste, 4890, 78701
(Help with the College Readiness Program, tutoring 11th and 12th grade high school students) You will need to register as a volunteer at their Web site. Go to the volunteer center then choose Small group tutoring, then choose college readiness. Jessica Story is the person to contact (637-0985).
Casa Marianela 821 Gunter St., 78702 (Practicing English with recent immigrants; maybe cooking for them as well) Contact Katie Scherar or Laura Martin (385-5571).
Communities in Schools (These programs are for tutoring elementary students) Go to the Web site and request a Spanish-speaking environment.
St. Louis Catholic Church Burnet Rd., between Koenig and 183 (Teaching or tutoring ESL courses). Contact Ale Hamlet at [email protected]
ACC Students need to fill out a packet before volunteering. Anyone interested should contact Julie Kleinhans-Urrutia at 223-9200 or email her at [email protected].