Course offerings include: French I (FREN–1411), French II (FREN–1412), French III (FREN–2311), French IV (FREN–2312), and French Conversation (FREN–1300).
To be eligible to enroll in a language class beyond FREN–1411, you must meet that course’s prerequisite. Up to date course information can be found through ACC’s Online Course Schedule. Additional information on degree plans, credit by examination, and more can be found through our website’s Academic page.
Online French Learning resources and other valuable study tools are available through the links page. Additional tools for your academic success, such as study guides and library info, can be found on the Resources page.
The French classes at ACC include a substantial cultural component in addition to a focus on reading, writing, and oral facility. These courses require a significant amount of study time outside of class. Please contact our departmental office to learn more about our French classes.
Are you considering studying French? There are quite a few compelling reasons to do so. While it can be said that the acquisition of any foreign language will prove beneficial, French in particular is useful throughout the world…
Outside of France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada all have strong French speaking cultures as do many Caribbean, African, and Asian nations. French is one of the few languages to be spoken on five continents and is among one of the most commonly spoken languages the world over. Altogether, more than 30 countries have adopted French as an official language and dozens of other countries boast French speaking populations without French being listed as an official language. Knowledge of French is truly a great asset for any would-be globe-trotter.
In both the national and international job market, French can give you a decisive competitive edge in a wide range of disciplines: business, government, medicine, aviation, transportation technologies, international distribution, translation, luxury goods, agriculture, and hospitability industries.
Acquiring French may give you a boost in the world of academia as many graduate programs may require foreign language coursework as a requirement for admittance. A great deal of scientific and scholarly research is published in French each year. Students with knowledge of French have access to this information years before it may be translated into English; many significant works are indeed never translated.
As you consider what foreign language would best suit you for your professional, academic, or personal goals, French is an option that would open many doors:
- French is the official working language of the United Nations, NATO, UNESCO, EU, OECD, UIA, the International Olympic Committee, the International Labor Bureau, the International Red Cross, the Universal Postal Union, post-–offices across the world, and more.
- French is the dominant working language at the European Court of Justice, the European Tribunal of First Instance, the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg, and the Press Room at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium.
- French is one of the primary foreign languages spoken by the United States largest trading partner, Canada, and the eighth largest trading partner, France.
- France is renowned for its technical innovation and hi-tech industry. Seven of France’s top ten exports to the U.S. are industrial or high technology products. France is the fourth largest producer of automobiles in the world and the third largest exporter. France is also one of the world leaders in scientific and medical research.
- More than 50,000 words in the English language originate from French.
- After English, French remains the most commonly sought after second language.
- Learning French will aid in acquisition of other Romance Languages.
- Use French to pursue studies in Francophone countries
- Paris is considered one of the capital’s of the world in terms of quality of life.
- A good working knowledge of French will open up opportunities to fully appreciate and enjoy the culture and customs of Francophone countries.