“Who Killed Vincent Chin?” Screening
2022-2023 Screenings
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
6 PM
Who Killed Vincent Chin? (d. Christine Choy and Renee Tajima-Peña, 1987)
Vincent Chin, a successful engineer living out his dream of designing automobiles in Detroit, meets an unexpected and violent end when he is assaulted and killed by two men, using a baseball bat, in the summer of 1982, following an altercation at a bar. Despite their bloody crime, the assailants initially receive lenient sentences due to a plea bargain. The troubling outcome of the case outrages civil rights advocates, who fight for justice and struggle to prove that Chin’s attackers had racist motivations.
Stream the film on your own, and then join us for a conversation led by Dr. Mark Cunningham.
Held on Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Watch the film in advance and then watch the conversation with Janie Wang, a clinical counselor at ACC, and Dr. Mark D. Cunningham, an Associate Professor in Radio-Television-Film at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas.
Since joining ACC in 2010, Janie Wang has been providing clinical counseling for mood disorders, crisis management, family violence intervention, motivation, emotions management, trauma, anxiety, and relationship health for students. She is trained in mental health assessment, individual and group counseling, suicide assessment and prevention, drug and alcohol counseling, trauma aftercare, disaster relief counseling, and EMDR. She has also worked with local and national organizations on human trafficking prevention both in Texas and in Bolivia, South America.