Peace in Relationships
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Tuesday, February 14th, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
Navigating Digital Dating with Duana Welch
Online dating: it’s a numbers game—or is it? What are the big fails of pix and profiles? What’s the best app or site to use, specifically for you? Which photos go first, and why? How can your profile tip out the ones you don’t want—and appeal precisely to those you do? What can you do to figure out who’s wrong for you before you meet—and how can you make meetings more likely with those you want? Should you give your real cell number, or get a fake one? Whether you’re new to online or on-app dating, seasoned, or merely curious, this science-based webinar by longtime dating coach, social scientist, and former ACC psychology instructor Dr. Duana Welch will give you new tools to navigate an ever-changing digital dating scene.
Watch Recording
About Dr. Duana Welch
Presenter: Dr. Duana Welch (pronounced DWAY-nah) is author of the Love Factually books, known for using social science to solve real-life relationship issues. She taught psychology across 20 years at the University of Florida; Cal State Fullerton; St. Edwards University; Southwestern University; and Austin Community College. Her teaching garnered awards at Cal State (Professor of the Year, 2000 and 2001) and ACC (NISOD and Outstanding Service Award, both 2012). She has contributed to NPR, PBS, Psychology Today, and numerous other outlets, podcasts, and videos. Her books are now out globally in five languages; all rely on science rather than opinion to help men and women of any age, sexual, or gender orientation find and keep the right partner. Her client practice is global, via Zoom and other technologies.
Tuesday, March 7th, 12:00–1:30 PM
Restorative Relationship Conversations Demonstration with David Cooley
via Zoom
When conflict happens between individuals, it’s vital for the health of the relationship that it gets acknowledged and worked through in order to prevent the accumulation of toxic emotions and resentment. Relationship ruptures, unresolved fights and even small misunderstandings can create disconnection, distrust and the loss of emotional safety. Unfortunately, many people struggle with how to move forward in the face of conflict because they simply don’t know how to manage it successfully. Restorative Relationship Conversations offers a unique model for addressing conflict and unresolved relationship issues by creating a safe container for managing difficult conversations where individuals can move beyond the challenging dynamics that keep them feeling stuck. In this session, David will work with volunteers to demonstrate how he facilitates restorative relationship conversations, helping a real couple work through an outstanding conflict.
Watch Recording
About David Cooley
Presenter: David Cooley’s journey towards developing the Restorative Relationship Conversation model began in the field of Restorative Justice. As a professional Restorative Circle facilitator and trainer, he had the privilege of helping individuals resolve their interpersonal conflicts together, instead of resorting to the traditional court system. In the course of his work with Restorative Justice, he also received training for working with victims of crime (including trauma informed care), Cultural & Gender sensitivity & awareness, Non violent Communication, as well as Cultural Brokering. Beyond the context of RJ, he has also been trained in several modalities including Mindfulness Based Practices, Narrative Therapy, Somatic Work, and Attachment Theory. After leaving the world of Restorative Justice, he decided to use the restorative conflict model and re-image it as a tool for helping individuals learn healthier models of conflict resolution, particularly in the context of intimate relationships. He currently offers the Restorative Relationship Conversation process to private clients looking for new and effective ways to address interpersonal conflict and transform it into deeper connection and intimacy.
Tuesday, April 18th, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
Understanding the impact of relationships and community for Transgender and Gender Expansive people with Rocky Lane & Sarah Swofford
via Zoom
An introductory community-led discussion exploring the various relationships or community networks that play a vital role in improving the lives of gender expansive people.
Goals of this course: Provide an introduction to transgender and gender expansive people through direct and respectful dialog, and a debrief of basic terms and information pertinent to solidarity work with gender expansive people, explaining the most important roles that relationships play in daily care for this community,
Who is this for:
- People who are seeking to build better relationships with transgender and gender expansive people
- Potential allies and advocates for human rights and justice for transgender and gender expansive people
- Stakeholders seeking to update education on this topic
- Future partners or support networks for transgender and gender expansive people
- People with a lot of questions about this community and no opportunity for direct engagement in a safer space for discussions of all levels.
- People who may be questioning their gender or are currently seeking transition related care and community.
- People with an open mind and heart willing to learn about this culture and community
- Families seeking support for trans blended families
About Rocky Lane
You can connect with him and SwirlBaby LLC
YouTube: Rocky and Sarah
Instagram @therockyandsarah
Presenter: Rocky Lane he/him is a media creator, entrepreneur, and community engagement and advocacy consultant who specializes in wellness access. He has studied at the ACC paramedic program, Lauterstein-Conway (TLC) Massage School, and waking yoga 200 hour trauma informed teacher training, with a focus in underserved populations.
Over the last few years Rocky has been working as a local wellness provider and has been supporting advocacy and community based teams as the regional co-leader for Texas TransFORWARD. Before that he served on the board of TENT (transgender education network of texas) and he recently launched SwirlBaby LLC with partner Sarah in 2021.
His goal in consulting is to help guide community stakeholders in the process of building better relationships through media and creative solutions. He hopes to help the central Texas region create a stronger and more diverse community voice in the design and development of our thriving community future.
People often describe him as focused, energetic, knowledgeable, attentive, and possibly magical.
Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
Healing Relationship Ruptures & Addressing Interpersonal Conflict w/ Restorative Relationship Conversations with David Cooley
via Zoom
When conflict happens between individuals, it’s vital for the health of the relationship that it gets acknowledged and worked through in order to prevent the accumulation of toxic emotions and resentment. Relationship ruptures, unresolved fights and even small misunderstandings can create disconnection, distrust and the loss of emotional safety. Unfortunately, many people struggle with how to move forward in the face of conflict because they simply don’t know how to manage it successfully. Restorative Relationship Conversations offers a unique model for addressing conflict and unresolved relationship issues by creating a safe container for managing difficult conversations where individuals can move beyond the challenging dynamics that keep them feeling stuck. In this presentation, David Cooley will give participants both a proven model for safely addressing interpersonal conflict as well as the practical and effective communication skills to successfully make themselves seen and heard in moments of difficulty.
Together We Will Explore How To:
- Address specific conflict(s) or problematic relationship dynamic(s).
- Identify and acknowledge the impact of the conflict on individuals as well as the relationship.
- Repair lingering relationship ruptures.
- Remove the obstacles to relating in healthy and fulfilling ways.
- Make collaborative agreements for moving forward and prevent similar issues in the future.
About David Cooley
David Cooley’s journey towards developing the Restorative Relationship Conversation model began in the field of Restorative Justice. As a professional Restorative Circle facilitator and trainer, he had the privilege of helping individuals resolve their interpersonal conflicts together instead of resorting to the traditional court system. In the course of his work with Restorative Justice, he also received training for working with victims of crime (including trauma-informed care), Cultural & Gender sensitivity & awareness, Non-violent Communication, as well as Cultural Brokering. Beyond the context of RJ, he has also been trained in several modalities including Mindfulness-Based Practices, Narrative Therapy, Somatic Work, and Attachment Theory. After leaving the world of Restorative Justice, he decided to use the restorative conflict model and re-image it as a tool for helping individuals learn healthier models of conflict resolution, particularly in the context of intimate relationships. He currently offers the Restorative Relationship Conversation process to private clients looking for new and effective ways to address interpersonal conflict and transform it into deeper connection and intimacy.
Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
Fat Love and More with JP Cardenas
via Zoom
In this session, we will be discussing loving yourself and others as a fat person, Fat Liberation, and of course, we will talk about sex too!
If you are looking for body-positive resources and content creators, check out this list of folks to follow, books to read, and podcasts to listen to:
- Nalgona Positivity Project
- Secular+Sexuality (podcast)
- Yrfatfriend (Instagram)
- Bodyjustice.therapist (Instagram)
- Thefatsextherapist(Instagram)
- Ihartericka (Instagram)
- Meganjaynecrabbe (Instagram)
- Bodyimagewithbri (Instagram)
- The Body is Not an Apology (book)
- Dr.dvonp (Instagram)
- Things No One Tells Fat Girls (book)
- Fat! So? (Book)
About JP Cardenas
If you would like to get in touch with JP you may contact them here:
Website: www.healthandhealinghub.com
Phone: 512.524.3796
JP Cardenas, they/them, LPC-A, Supervised by Melody Palmer-Arizola LPC-S, is the Owner + Therapist of Health and Healing Hub, a new private practice here in Austin, Texas. JP has been a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate for almost a year now and has worked in mental health for over eight years. JP works with individuals and couples in the LGBTQ+ community on issues like: depression, gender identity, anxiety, sexuality, body image, transitioning (FTM or MTF), sex, and relationships. JP is a trained EMDR therapist, is sex positive, kink friendly/knowledgeable, takes a holistic approach towards health and healing, poly-friendly/knowledgeable, and is unapologetically Queer, Fat, Mexican American, and Genderqueer! When JP isn’t practicing therapy, they are spending time with their pets (two cats, one dog), binging sci-fi/fantasy movies/shows, going to local coffee shops with friends, getting more tattoos, and most importantly continuing their own journey with health and healing in a variety of ways!
Tuesday, November 15th, 2022, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
From Taboo to Sexual Positivity: The Guide to Healthy Sexual Communication with Alicia Andrews
Sexual communication is an important key factor in the development and sustainability of one’s sexual well-being. Our sexuality consists of many moving parts of our lives. To improve one’s overall total wellness, it must be understood how sexual attitudes, values, and feelings impact their life. This presentation will dive into the multi-components of sexuality. Guided conversations will be facilitated to educate the population about sexual wellness, define sexual communication, and share healthy boundaries to promote positive sexual development beyond adolescence into adulthood.
About Alicia Andrews
Alicia is the Founder and Visionary of BeFree Wellness Education and Consulting, LLC, based in Eastern North Carolina. Known as the “Public Health Sexologist,” Alicia intersects her love and expertise in public health and sexuality education. Her educational career extends from North Carolina Central University, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health; to Widener University, obtaining a Master of Education, specializing in human sexuality studies. She has been serving vulnerable populations in the fields of public and sexual health for 15 years and counting. Alicia’s experience range includes designing and facilitating sexuality education lessons, curricula, and sexuality-related professional development opportunities; and coordinating community education programs, sexual health conferences, and other community-wide social-public health community events. Alicia has worked with professionals in interdisciplinary fields who work with young people, university and community college populations, pre-adolescent youth and young adults, in community and faith-based settings. Currently, she serves as an Independent Sexuality Educator and Public Health Consultant, serving rural areas and beyond, working to normalize and expand wholistic and positive sexuality, health and wellness education for all. Alicia believes freedom lies in the power of communication and knowledge.
2021/2022 SERIES
Healthy relationships require effective ways to deal with conflict. Topics included:
- Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Yourself and Otherswith Dr. Karen Rayne
- The Conflict of Coming Out (and coming out again and again and again)with Dr. Karen Rayne
- Communicating for Relationship Winswith Dr. Duana Welch
- The Hard Questions: When and How to Ask and Answer to Find Healthy Love with Dr. Duana Welch
- Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, and Consensual Nonmonogamy with Jessica Fern, M.S.
- Good Grief: How to Heal from Heartbreak & Learn to Love Again with Dr. Duana Welch
2020/2021 SERIES
Coping with Relationship Pain During Covid and Beyond
Healthy relationships require effective ways to deal with conflict. During tough times like Covid, our coping tools can get strained, and we might engage in hurtful patterns of interacting. How do we understand ourselves and others, and make decisions that avoid needless heartache? In this four-part webinar series, Love Factually author Dr. Duana Welch will present a science-based perspective on all these topics:
- Attachment Styles
- Forgiveness
- Avoiding Abusers
- Grieving a Loss
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