2021 | 2022 SERIES
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Yourself and Others with Dr. Karen Rayne
12:00 – 1:30 PM
Sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) are complex topics that exist at the intersections of identity, experience, physical and romantic connection, biology, social expectations, and more. Our cultural understanding of SOGI has become increasingly complex over the last twenty years, complicating our basic experiences of elements that have always been and will always be some of the most personal and intimate elements of our biographies. This 90 minute session dives into the process of understanding SOGI through a historical lens up to the role it plays in people’s current understanding of themselves. It’s designed for people who would like to understand SOGI better, who wonder what their identities might be, who know and love someone whose SOGI doesn’t fall into historically prescribed categories, and who like to talk about SOGI theory.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
The Conflict of Coming Out (and coming out again and again and again) with Dr. Karen Rayne
12:00 – 1:30 PM
A person’s identity, and the process of sharing that identity, is elemental to all human relationships. For people whose gender and/or sexual identity falls outside of a scripted heterosexual, cisgender blueprint, when, how, where, and with whom to share that identity is a constant question. The first time that a person shares their gender or sexual identity can have elements of both beauty and pain and LGBTQ+ people’s experiences range all along that spectrum. The years that follow require them to continue to come out in new personal and professional contexts and also offer a range of beautiful and painful moments. This 90 minute session considers the peace and conflict, both interpersonal and intrapersonal, that coming out elicits. It’s designed for people who have intimate experiences with coming out, for people who would like to support others who come out, and for people who are trying to more deeply understand what coming out means in 2021.
About Karen Rayne
Dr. Karen Rayne has worked in education for the past two decades with a speciality in sexuality education across the lifespan. She is the founder and executive director of UN|HUSHED, where she writes and edits books and lifespan comprehensive sexuality curricula, trains sexuality educators, and builds collaborative coalitions. She is also an Assistant Professor of Instruction at The University of Texas. Karen has worked with local, national, and international organizations. Her recent books and curricula include TRANS+: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You, An Introduction to Sexuality Education: A Handbook for Child Welfare Providers, and UN|HUSHED: The Elementary Curriculum.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Communicating for Relationship Wins with Dr. Duana Welch
12:00 – 1:30 PM
Everybody knows the secret to a happy relationship is effective communication—but what is that? This webinar presents not only the research-proven strategies for great communication, but also gets into what problems can be resolved; why nobody—even the happiest couples—has a problem-free relationship; and how to thrive with permanent differences. Additionally, we’ll discuss communication tips and pitfalls in early dating. Should you send that text? Attend this webinar and see!
About Duana Welch
Dr. Duana Welch (pronounced DWAY-nah) is author of the Love Factually books, known for using social science to solve real-life relationship issues. She taught psychology across 20 years at the University of Florida; Cal State Fullerton; St. Edwards University; Southwestern University; and Austin Community College. Her teaching garnered awards at Cal State (Professor of the Year, 2000 and 2001) and ACC (NISOD and Outstanding Service Award, both 2012). She has contributed to NPR, PBS, Psychology Today, and numerous other outlets, podcasts, and videos. Her books are now out globally in five languages; all rely on science rather than opinion to help men and women of any age, sexual, or gender orientation find and keep the right partner. Her client practice is global, via Zoom and other technologies.
Spring 2022
Thursday, January 27, 2022
The Hard Questions: When and How to Ask and Answer to Find Healthy Love with Dr. Duana Welch
12:00 – 1:30 PM
Many relationships end years in over issues that were present from their first meeting. Why? When’s the right time to ask—and how can you frame your questions to get to the heart of the matter without putting off your partner? What if they ask you, too—how can you reveal the truth without going too far? This webinar will address it all!
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, and Consensual Nonmonogamy with Jessica Fern, M.S.
12:00 – 1:30 PM
It’s difficult to talk about relationships these days without the topic of Attachment Styles coming up. The research on love and relationships consistently finds that understanding our attachment style can be an important part of creating healthy and fulfilling relationships, but how this applies to non-monogamous relationships can be unclear and even confusing. Since the majority of the resources and advice on how to create securely attached romantic relationships rely heavily on mono-normative behaviors and hierarchical relationship structures, non-monogamous folks are often at a loss on how to create secure functioning with their multiple partners.
In this talk Jessica will present on:
- An overview of the different attachment styles.
- The potential attachment challenges that arise from opening up and the importance of being Polysecure.
- How jealousy can sometimes be a symptom of primal attachment panic or partners relating in insecure ways versus “your individual jealousy problem.”
- The different relationship skills for cultivating Secure Attachment with your partners and Secure Attachment with Self.
About Jessica Fern
Jessica Fern is a Psychotherapist, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, and author of the book Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, and NonMonomgamy. In her international private practice, Jessica works with individuals, couples, and people in multiple-partner relationships who no longer want to be limited by their reactive patterns, cultural conditioning, insecure attachment styles, and past traumas, helping them to embody new possibilities in life and love. Learn more at JessicaFern.com.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Good Grief: How to heal from heartbreak and learn to love again
with Dr. Duana Welch
12:00 – 1:30 PM
Loss: it’s a human universal. People lose partners to many things other than death, and heartbreak is real and can be physically dangerous. Are you recovering from betrayal? Trying to discern whether to stick with the partner who has hurt you? Have you left, only to endlessly torment yourself with What Ifs? If you’ve ever struggled with whether, when, and how to let go, this webinar is must-see.
Register for Zoom Meeting
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Mapping Your Nervous System with PolyVagal Theory
with Jessica Fern, M.S.
12:00 – 1:30 PM
Polyvagal Theory is a revolutionary approach to understanding our biological and psychological need for safety, and how the body’s threat response easily gets in the way of feeling connected and secure in our relationships.
In this talk, Jessica will:
- Give an overview of Polyvagal Theory
- Walk you through the three different autonomic nervous system states
- Guide you through mapping your own nervous system
- Offer tools for how to intervene when you’re in fight/flight/freeze as well as how to better cultivate your Social Engagement System.
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