Are you concerned about things like inequality, racism, sexism, crime, divorce, the high cost of going to college? Do you want to learn more about how society creates opportunities for some and makes it harder for others? Are you curious about how we are being affected by technology and social media? Do you want to better understand globalization? You are not alone. Sociology is an entire community of social scientists trying to puzzle through these kinds of issues.
The goal of the Sociology program at Austin Community College is to inform and educate students on the social construction of human behavior through active and engaged teaching in the discipline of Sociology. Students who graduate with an A.A. in Sociology will be able to:
how basic sociological concepts, such as culture, social structure, institutions, socialization, etc. can be applied to understand social behavior.
the sociological perspective to everyday life in understanding the life chances of an individual or group of individuals.
the various research methods social scientists use to gather and interpret information.
Sociology seeks to answer questions about why people think and act the way they do through the study of structural and cultural patterns and social dynamics. As a student of sociology, you will learn how to gather and interpret information—in itself, a set of very marketable skills—and to detect social forces that other people often take for granted.
Choosing sociology as your major helps you build foundational skills for navigating the social world as well as prepares you to transfer to a baccalaureate granting institution.
The Associate of Arts degree in Sociology includes field of study curriculum approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Field of Study Curriculum for Sociology consists of 12 lower-division semester credit hours that are fully transferable to other Texas public colleges and universities.
What can you do with a Sociology Degree?
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2019 (
Guidance Counselor
Average Salary $56,310
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 13%
Human Resources (HR) Representative
Average Salary $60,880
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 7%
Average Salary $120,910
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 8%
Management Consultant
Average Salary $83,610
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 14%
Market Research Analyst
Average Salary $63,120
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 23%
Media Planner
Average Salary $49,245
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 26%
Policy Analyst
Average Salary $57,025
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 19%
Public Relations (PR) Specialist
Average Salary $60,000
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 9%
Survey Researcher/Polls
Average Salary $57,770
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 2%
Social Worker
Average Salary $49,970
Projected Growth 2016-2026: 16%
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