September 10, 2009

Sacred Story and the Art of Storytelling
7 p.m. | EVC Room 8500
The ACC Philosophy, Religion and Humanities Department hosts three panel discussion events during the fall semester, each exploring a particular religious tradition or theme and its presence in the Austin community.

October 1, 2009

“Modernity” Philosophy Lecture Series
7 p.m. | EVC room 8500
Sponsored by ACC’s Austin Philosophy Forum.

October 15, 2009

“Political Process” Philosophy Lecture Series
7 p.m. | EVC room 8500
Sponsored by ACC’s Austin Philosophy Forum.

October 15, 2009

Religion and the Media
7 p.m. | RVS Auditorium (Room 8100)
The ACC Philosophy, Religion and Humanities Department hosts three panel discussion events during the fall semester, each exploring a particular religious tradition or theme and its presence in the Austin community.

November 12, 2009

“Metropolis” Film Screening
7 p.m. | EVC room 8500
Sponsored by ACC’s Austin Philosophy Forum Visit for more information about this event.

November 19, 2009

Death and Dying: An Interfaith Panel Discussion
7 p.m. | RGC Gallery Theater
The ACC Philosophy, Religion and Humanities Department hosts three panel discussion events during the fall semester, each exploring a particular religious tradition or theme and its presence in the Austin community.

February 18, 2010

“Protest and Activism” Philosophy Lecture Series
7 p.m. | EVC Auditorium room 8500
ACC’s Austin Philosophy Forum discussion on What is Activism? will begin with the screening of the film, Abe Osheroff: One Foot in the Grave, the Other Still Dancing. In this riveting and inspiring film, Osheroff reflects on the meaning of his activism, exploring the ideas that animated his actions and sharing wisdom built up over a lifetime of commitment to the “radical humanism” that defined his politics and philosophy. The film will be followed by a group discussion led by Robert Jensen, a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin and board member of the Third Coast Activist Resource Center in Austin.

February 25, 2010

Views from the Parliament of World Religions
7:00pm – 9:00pm | EVC Auditorium Room 8500
The ACC Philosophy, Religion and Humanities Department presents a panel discussion featuring local attendees of the December 2009 Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia. Panelists will share their experiences from this interfaith gathering of religious leaders from the world’s religious and spiritual communities. Panelists will include: Sheila Fling, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Texas State University; James Puglisi, Associate Director Campus Ministry, St. Edward’s University; Jennifer Pflieger, Assistant Dean, University Programs, St. Edward’s University.

March 11, 2010

“Aesthetics” Philosophy Lecture Series
7 p.m. | EVC room 8500
The Philosophy Forum is hosting a discussion of Aesthetics, a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty.The discussion will be led by Matt Watkins of the ACC Philosophy, Religion and Humanities Department. He will discuss how we understand the role of art in culture, the value of offensive art and censorship of art.

April 15, 2010

“The Philosophy of Karl Marx” Philosophy Lecture Series
7 p.m. | EVC room 8500
Sponsored by ACC’s Austin Philosophy Forum.


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