Can’t Kill a Dream: Dr. King’s Lessons for Today
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Panel, “Can’t Kill a Dream: Dr. King’s Lessons for Today”
April 4, 2017
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Eastview Campus 8500
Fight For 15, NAACP, Black Sovereign Nation, Counterbalance ATX Rev. Dante Wright
Azzurra Crispino, Philosophy Professor
On the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, civil rights and labor groups in Austin are coming together for a panel discussion about Dr. King’s legacy and the lessons for today. Come hear Fight For 15, NAACP, Black Sovereign Nation, Counterbalance ATX and Rev. Dante Wright discuss how we can apply those lessons to our struggles to build a labor movement that put the fight against white supremacy at the center of it’s strategies.
Hosted by ACC/AFT (Austin Community College/American Federation of Teachers) and the Philosophy, Religion and Humanities Department of ACC.
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